Migrants 1999   Migrants 2000        Migration   2001    English pages

The fact of migrant birds is known to erverybody. Not many people know that there are some species of butterflies and moths which cannot overwinter in our countries. There existence here is due to an yearly immigration from southern countries - mainly during the early summer.

In the following I am listing own records as well as records which resulted from reliable information which I got via internet.

The German version of this page ( |Wanderfalter| ) contains a much more precise description of the localities !

Butterflies Click at underlined names of species !
Colias crocea
Clouded Yellow
Holidays in the French Pyrenees in the region of Lourdes. I observed nearly every day single specimens.
2001 No record in Germany this year !
Nymphalis antiopa
Camberwell Beauty
27/04/01 Dieter Bernhardt observed a specimen in Bavaria near Rosenheim.
End of
April 01
Hans Kovacs reported a specimen from Schwerin (Northeast of Germany)
Holidays in the French Pyrenees in the region of Lourdes. I observed the total of about 10 specimens.
Nymphalis polychloros
Large Tortoiseshell
01/04/01 Record of a specimen in Kirchheim/Teck near Stuttgart
Vanessa atalanta
Red Admiral
Henrdik Simon found two single specimens in the region of Bonn
01/04/01 Manfred Kapfer reported a specimen from Peiting  (Bavaria, South-Germeny)
Hendrik Simon observed 3 specimens in the region of Bonn
04/04/01 Fabian Fritzer found the Red Admiral at the Lake Constance (South-Germany)
08/04/01 My first record of the current year near Kirchheim/Teck, region south of Stuttgart
24/04/01 Wilhelm Langner reported a specimen from the region of Kassel
30/04/01 I observed 2 specimens near Weilheim (South-Germany, region south of Stuttgart)
later Use German version of this page  (  Wanderfalter  )
Cynthia cardui
Painted Lady
01/04/01 Manfred Kapfer recorded a specimen in Bavaria near Peiting
02/04/01 Sybille Przybilla observed 2 specimens near Kirchheim/Teck (region south of Stuttgart)
02/05/01 My first record of the year : 2 specimens in Suabia (South- Germany)
03/05/01 Further record near my hometown Bad Saulgau (North of Lake Constance)
04/05/01 2 specimens in the Suabian Jura (South-Germany)
10/05/01 I obersed 1 specimen near my hometown Bad Saulgau
12/05/01 A total of 4 secimens in the Suabian Jura   (South-Germany)
13/05/01 Barbara Kuemin reporttet a specimen from Zurich / Switzerland
later Use German version of this page  (  Wanderfalter  )
Aporia crataegi
Holidays in the French Pyrenees in the region of Lourdes. I observed the total of  5 specimens.
14/06/01 My first records of the year : 5 specimens near Donaueschingen (South-Germany, east of Black Forest)
later Use German version of this page  (  Wanderfalter  )
Issoria lathonia
Queen of Spain Fritillary
Holidays in the French Pyrenees in the region of Lourdes. I observed the total of  4 specimens.
Pontia daplidice/ edusa
Bath White
So far no record !
Lampides boeticus
Long-tailed  Blue
So far no record !
Danaus plexippus
Monarch (Milkweed)
So far no record !
Catopsilia florella So far no record !

Humming-bird Hawk-moth
31/04/01 Monika H. Freimann reported me the first specimen of the year from Switzerland (near Zurich)
04/06/01 Barbara Kuemin reported a specimen from Switzerland (near Winterthur)
Holidays in the French Pyrenees in the region of Lourdes. I observed the total of about 10 specimens
14/06/01 Ingrid Altmann reported a specimen from Furth (Bavaria, Southeast Germany)
15/06/01 Record of a specimen from Bitterfeld (East Germany)
16/06/01 Jörg Schmid observed a specimen near my hometown Bad Saulgau (South-Germany, north of Lake Constance)
later Use German version of this page  (  Wanderfalter  )
Acherontia atropos
Death's-head Hawk-moth
Use German version of this page  (  Wanderfalter  )
Agrius convolvuli
Convolvulus Hawk-moth
Use German version of this page  (  Wanderfalter  )
Further Moths
Hyles gallii
Bedstraw Hawk-moth
So far no record !
Hyles euphorbiae
Spurge Hawk-moth
27/05/01 Hartmut Flothmann reported a specimen from Bad Essen near Osnarbrück (North-Germany)
Daphnis nerii
Oleander Hawk-moth
Use German version of this page  (  Wanderfalter  )
Other Moths
Euplagia quadripunctaria
Jersey Tiger
04/05/01 Sabine Jelinek found a caterpillar of the Jersey Tiger near Freiburg (South-Germany). Have a look at the picture in their Natur-Forum .
26/05/01 Susanna Müller found a caterpillar at  Bielersee in Switzerland.
Autographa gamma
Silver Y
10/05/01 Hendrik Simon reported 2 specimens from the region of Bonn
Holidays in the French Pyrenees in the region of Lourdes. I observed the total of  6 specimens.
11/05/01 Ingrid Altmann observed 2 specimens in East-Bavaria
03/06/01 Sybille Przybilla reported a Silver Y from Kirchheim/Teck (region south of Stuttgart)
Macdunnoughia confusa
So far no record !
Phlogophora meticulosa
Angle Shades
End of
Fabian Fritzer found 2 caterpillars at nettles near Lake Constace (South Germany)
01/05/01 Dr. Götz Steinhaeuser reported an Angle Shades from Hamburg
03/06/01 Sybille Przybilla found a specimen in Kirchheim/Teck (South Germany, region south of Stuttgart)
later Use German version of this page  (  Wanderfalter  )

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